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Pull Out Those Green Thumbs. Gardening Season is Almost Here

February, 23, 2023

Spring is just around the corner, which means it’s time to start thinking about preparing your garden for the warmer months ahead. TCP Custom Outdoor Living understands the importance of a well-maintained garden to complement your outdoor living space, which is why If you’ve recently upgraded your patio or are thinking about doing so, preparing your garden is the perfect next step to creating your outdoor oasis. Here are a few tips on how to get your garden ready for spring:

Clean Up Your Garden

Cold winters can leave your garden looking a little worse for wear, so the first step is to give it a good clean. Start by removing any fallen leaves, branches, and debris from your lawn and flower beds. Clear out any weeds, and trim back any plants that have overgrown.

Start Planning Your Flower Beds

Spring is a great time to start planning your flower beds. First, consider which plants you want to grow and where they’ll thrive best in your garden. Then, consider the colors and textures of the plants and how they’ll complement your patio area.

Prepare Your Soil

A good plant is only as good as its soil. Use a garden fork or tiller to loosen up the dirt and add some organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure. Doing this will help to improve the soil structure and add vital nutrients to your plants.

Plant Spring Bulbs

One of the easiest ways to add color to your garden in the spring is to plant bulbs such as daffodils, crocuses, and tulips. Many garden centers sell pre-grown bulbs ready for planting in the spring.

Install Garden Features

If you’re looking to add some extra features to your backyard, consider installing a water feature, such as a fountain or pond, or creating a seating area for relaxing. These features can help to add interest to your garden and create a calming and peaceful atmosphere.

A well-maintained garden not only makes your outdoor space look more attractive but can also provide a calming and enjoyable space for you to relax in. By following these tips, you can create a beautiful garden that will enhance your patio area and provide a tranquil haven for you to enjoy throughout spring and summer.